Jan the first, marks the end of another year-2008. A year which was totally different from the others.... though i am glad that i have again come a full circle.... another new year's day spent with friends (at least in the wee hours)... mom is Genting (somewhere i just came back from)... dad working at the stall... brothers... somewhere else...
we are never a family tightly knitted in physical sense but meters, yards, miles apart do not testify to the strengths/ lack of family bond...
half of 2008 for me was spent away from my family... but i have not felt that my relationship with them changed... i guess this reflects the saying that "blood is thicker than water" and harder to clean off if stained... haha..
i dun noe if i can say the same about my relationship with my bf... that has changed a lot... but now currently, i can say that it was for the best.
Honey, we have undergone, overcame so much... and i think both you and i realised that in the end... it is just about us - the 2 of us... i have laid my heart at your feet... and i have trusted you, eyes opened, eyes closed because isnt that the only way to trust... to not hold back but to leap blindly like how God ask of me. i cannot know (100% know) that you are not lying... are not keeping secrets... that you are not putting the same 100% love, trust etc etc into our relationship... geez im not god... but what i can do is to believe you. and i do.
as the year is over.... so are all my misgivings and distrust.. i definitely will not forget the things that has happened.... they have been cruel and evil but they have all led you and i to a better position and made us that much wiser and stronger... in our character and emotionally.
man cannot put a stop to time... but we sure can make use of it... to not waste it... and that would mean to squeeze it for all its worth... to absorb all we can learn as it flows... for 1 thing... it is the only fair thing in life... that everyone lives in the constrain of time... we do not get extra minutes even if we are some big shot/ rich kid... it is true some of us live longer... and others shorter.... but as we live.... we all have the same number of hours in a day.
and with that, i hope you (my Quek Yi Hui) as well as everyone else.... make the most of the time of your lives.... have a great, productive, OOOOUT OF THIS WORLD 2009!
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