got new nails... classic medi and pedi (french medi and natural color pedi)
got new hair... cut and!!! can you imagine?
got new bf... Just Kidding! dun think i wan rush into it (relationship) so quickly after i just got burnt...
chat with a gf today... glad to know things are all fine with her.. (love is a precious thing gal, dun be too careless and rash k?) Hm...
been out these few days... need to keep myself occupied with stuff-any kind... when things quiet down and my mind drift.. it is not difficult to guess where it will drift to. fortunately, my pals are all v accomodating... keeping me close by...
had dinner with my parents-simple steamboat... and i rem.. Man it is hard! why cant i just forget them? arent i the forgetful one? the scatterbrain? why do i have to rem?
when i cant turn to him any more... who then should i turn to?
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