Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Recovering Series 1

(crying terribly as i type this... my towel now ended up becoming my tissue)
my cries are heart-wrenching but soundless... all i can hear is my difficult breathing...
i dun noe how it ended up like this... i didnt mean to cry... but terry made me... his msg made me break down.. but how i do treasure him...

better now... more calm... and so i can let some of my heart out...
thank you my friends and my relatives.... you guys are so nice to me...
Ann gal....i can never say "i love you" more than necessary... you know that. (choke)
Xueli Jie... i APPRECIATE it!
Ron... Thanks for calling... you really made me smile and gave me hope
Yuan Hwa... What can i say? I have made you my friend since i know you (crying already)
Wax... thanks for booking me early... it was sweet of you. really.
Norman and Sean.... you guys are the world's best colleagues.... and friends too.
Tian... big hug back! and thanks for you know wat..
Tyu... tight tight hug!
M.X... thanks...
Clara... oh gal... yes i want to meet you too (crying again)
Jes... for believing in my strength... sheesh... why dun you cut me some slack!
Terry... for making me cry... you deserve it - my everlasting friendship (can be a little too much to handle by the way)

i know all of you feel for me...feel my sadness... and guess at my pain... but dont worry.. you know me... i will survive... i will not let myself be victimize too much... i know im naive... and easily fooled but i am strong too. it may take a couple of days... maybe longer... but as long as i am in all your arms, i know i can keep moving forward.

God? i know i seldom ask... but im asking now... will you hold my hand and lend me your shoulder?

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