Tuesday, January 13, 2009

when good for him is no longer good for us

what happens then?

it is useless to wish that such a senario never happen. So, i guess i just have to accept it and make sure that when that time comes i will do what is good for him. Because, at this point and i think that point in time... that (good for him) will still come before what is good for us.

totally pointless to talk about what is good for me. because that (good for me) is what i make of it. if it does not come into existance, it will be because i did not work for it. and if that does come into existance, well, i deserve it.

i know i stack reason after reason, and excuses and far-fetch stories when i ran out of reasons to convince you not to go. they are negative and gloomy but i hope you can find it in your heart to hear them because they are my insecurities dressed-up.

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