Tuesday, January 27, 2009

LNY 2009 - Day 1 sketchy

First stop was to Fo Guang Shan - temple... visit my aunt who is working in the cafe there.
During our visit, we took a fortune reading... i ask about love/relationship... and the reading was spot on! i dun have the fortune with me now... but if i get my hands on it, i will write it out for you guys to see... haha

Second stop was to my mom side of the family...i am so happy to meet my cousins.... tooks lots of photos... play with the younger ones... eat... and eat... and more eating... emmie, how are you? what did you guys do? Miss ya all so much!

Third stop was to my dad side... i have not seen some for them for so long already... but still, it is also kinda nice to just seat around and crap... hahaha... lots to say actually for this part but i will see if i can weave in my thoughts in another entry..

Fourth stop was home... drove my bro back home and also to collect a jacket.. :) feelin good... silly i noe but still :)

Fifth stop was Causeway Point for movie - Wedding Game.... it is "alright la". Funny lor. after the movie, we all got a little crazy and took lots of photos... hahah... maybe facebook will be more illuminating for this.

1st stop of Day 2... home... to bath and bed. zzZZzZzzz

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