Sunday, December 28, 2008


Christmas season - first christmas at 3M!!! can you believe it? the people are so cool... every desk you will find gifts and cards from colleagues just next desk...

Christmas evee - first christmas eve with Yihui at his place... finishing pizzas and watching dvd... uber cool! just the 2 of us....

Christmas time - first time ice-skating... i really enjoyed it! did not feel as graceful as i imagine though (this is bad, bec in the v first place... i did not imagine myself to be graceful... sigh) but i m so glad that Yi hui likes it too!!! :) 1 step closer to our white christmas?

Boxing day - first boxing day with logcake and fruit basket at 3M.... shake hands with big shots!!!! (haha... okok so thats a little pathetic)

29 dec - first leave of absence from 3M... going Genting with Yi hui.... our FIRST overseas trip... i wonder how it will turn out.... you know what they say... it is either make or break.... and currently, with my sickly body... (running nose, sore throat)... it is looking bad but well mind over matter eh?

wishing everyone a lovely christmas time ( i know im late but better than never)... may your life be full and rich... may it be full of nice surprises and miracles and esp. miracles...

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