Tuesday, April 7, 2009

nolly, looloo & God

nolly & looloo are people in my work place... whom i held dearly to. ellos son mi amigos! lunches with them are great. today's is no different. i really enjoy myself when i am with them. i guess, i can truely just be best buds with them. i laugh so much today. :)
I sincerely hope that we could bring this great friendship outside of work too... meaning, i hope to meet them up after working hours or on non-working days... but this is tough... i mean, already we see eachother every freaking day... right? wont it get boring and and turnoff-ish to see eachother on weekends?.... haiz

anyway... tmr there is a Get on the Same Page meeting... hahahah.... like its name, it is simply about knowing your boss better... clearing the air... trashing out stuff... you dislike/ take offence or like things you like and found good about your bosses... hahaha i wonder if this is para verdadero...

lastly, i know i have a long overdue conversation with God (below para).. so most of you can just finish up reading here.... rest well everyone!

dear god, i have this really bad feeling that if you were to judged me in this instance.. i will be found unworthy. it will not be because of my outrages claims which you could easily sue for defamation. not because of my lack of proper respect and faith (i know you know...i have that in oodles). but because my actions would not speak the best of me, when they should. when i know better, when i AM BETTER than this. i am ashamed and guilt is a burden i carry with me constantly these days. maybe i should have asked the question and know for sure if i am wrong. but even without speaking the question, my worry and confusion should have triggered red flags. im sorry, please forgive me for my foolish ways.

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