Friday, April 10, 2009

the light and the dark & heavy

Light is the antonym of dark. It too is the antonym of heavy. I wonder why this 1 word is use to represent 2 very different ideas… light as feather and light as a form of illumination.

Some things in life are so interwoven; they stand at the juncture of 2 verily different spaces/ideas/camps. These things are the connector from 1 pt to another pt. they serve a grand and meaningful purpose. They are useful. But, they can also be a sore point and the first things to be destroy to maintain the integrity of either pt.

Fortunately, most of us belong to 1 camp or the other… and seldom and rarely are the connector of the two. Lucky you.

Anyway, had dinner with Jes… and we went to Starbucks to chill… got my flask!!! Yeah! Hee… Jes always tell me that I shouldn’t be-friends my colleagues… her advice is to have a very clear demarcation. Don’t go out with them for shopping or movies… try to avoid dinner together also etc. etc. they are your colleagues, not your friends… haiz, I cant already la…duh! But I really wonder… if I could start over… would that be better? Would that be possible?

Drove home half asleep… man… so dangerous… so im heading to my comfy bed… sweet dreams this Holy Friday…

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