Wednesday, April 29, 2009


i get up in the mornings with a hangover the size of Texas... the hours i keep are quite decent, thank you very much... but it is as if when i sleep, another me begans to wake and live. i do hope her life is more interesting than mine... but please do not over tired my mind and body... haha

but, coming back to my life, i had a super dinner today... Gosh.. so worried i will gain weight with all the food i put into my stomach. Today's dinner was a pizza, calamari, 1 virgin Margarita, 1 Shirly temple... haha... of cos, i didnt had the food all to myself... but yes.. i had both drinks.. i didnt finish the Margarita... was too full..

anyway, other than the food... the view was beautiful and the company was sweet... chatted about all sorts of stuff... jokes all around. the ambient was conducive etc. etc. etc. :)

i know that the entry is getting shallow... but really... my mind is just too tired nowadays to go into any kind of depth...

just know this.

1. life is great, because i made it great. (You can too)
2. know where you stand, esp where you stand with God.
3. other people's opinions dont mean that much, really.
4. take time to appreciate beauty
5. share them with others
6. if they dont appreciate it... its their loss
7. be nice, be kind, be good
8. drink enough water!
9. if you can get a mask, do!
10. the moon shines softly tonight..

p.s.: Jes, Liyu & Tian.... if you guys see this.. i know i want for my Bday le... (i know it is late) but i want another watch.... bec the watch you guys gave was a GREAT gift and i would like another one :) Thanks

Sunday, April 26, 2009

catching up with friends

Watch it! it is good... unexpectedly so.

Wilson, Ahmad & I- Goofing around

mom is coming back


moms coming back... which means i have to fetch her.... which means... the petrol is not sufficient!!! which means i have to get it filled... gosh oh gosh oh gosh..

At 1.18am today- i couldnt blog out my feelings

i have a lot to say
but they are all stuck in my head
not one word at bay
even as i am lying on my bed

my mind is so heavy
but my fingers unmoved
thoughts crashing loudly
but only a blank screen for proof

Saturday, April 25, 2009

waiting for my hair to dry

i had a long day... simply put, i had a long day at work... didnt sleep well last night... so was really beat at work.. didnt get a decent coffee/latte.. the stuff that i was waiting for were late... have lots not finish... which means most prob. i will have to make a trip to the office tmr. After work.. i went out for dinner for the best fish soup i ever had... then puke it out (crying) because i drank some alcohol and it didnt seat well with me... haiz. but that wasnt the hardest....

the hardest is finding out that i have put others in misery... the hardest is knowing i give others pain... that in my kindness, i am cruel... the hardest is knowing that i cannot be myself and i cannot treat everyone like how i would like too.. the hardest is knowing that if i want to make things easier for others.. i have to be less nice... i have to be not myself...

i wish i could take away his pain... his unhappiness... i wish i could be someone who is just another person... someone who will not cause so many complications... i wish... but wishes are just that... wishes...

sometimes i wonder, just how misunderstood i am. who do you think is grace? what do you think she is like? and i wonder if that matches me at all...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

not just walking, but striding...

walking cools my head... makes me feel at peace again. i feel as if i could leave all my baggage behind as i take each stride... have lots of crazy thoughts in my head recently... and they are driving me nutz!

i blast music on my ipod and stride around the park... mostly gazing up at the sky... trying to see what the stars have foretold for me. trying to ground my mind to any particular star which will take me away from all this strife and conflict.

"what wrong with the world we live in?" sings Tamar on my ipod... and i sang with her...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Dinner at home

watched my maid 'cook' dinner... and i know i can do better... big sigh.. how can it be? i dont cook as much as her. have to step in to tell her what to do now and then.. and worse still.. it is just using pre-made sauces...

but it is quite obvious that she dont like to cook... and lack the skills for it. fortunately for her, my family eat out almost 70% of the time. haiz.. i love to eat home cook food... but i guess.. i just have such luck...

kk, going for dinner that i help made. :)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

a poem & a prayer

i would like to share this little poem (do u call it a poem?) with you... it is something, a friend gave to me. and it is so pretty... i couldnt keep it to myself. Went to marina barrage today, walked 1 round in my heels... just talking and taking a breather....


Its definition is delightfully pretty;

It's also obviously contrived to charm.

It's elaborated though other articulate sounds;

It's heard as engaging, enchanting, charming, and captivating.

It's seen as adorable, loveable, and winsome.

It's felt as cuddly and lovely.

It's tasted as precious.

It's name is unsoiled, unstained, unspotted, unpolluted, untainted and uninfected.

It's essence is imprisoned in a diminutive four-letter cell.

It's found near and far.

It's what you are.

I had dinner with my cousin today.. hopefully she will upload the pic we took. haha, i realised that we seldom take photo together. Anyway, i think i am very lucky to be blessed with great cousins... despite that we dont hang out often when we are young... our bonds (now) are still quite strong... we can talk about all sort of grown up stuff now.. and it is kinda cool... (open my eyes big big)

almost cried just now, chatting on msn.... haiz. will not talk about it because it is just silly... so that is all for most of you...

dear god, my prayer today will be for my friends. I want them to realised that you are so good and so merciful and thus so forgiving. I want them to know that if they were to turn to you, they will be forgiven. And if that is too much to ask for now, i hope that you will make them realise that no matter what they did, how bad they were, they can be redeemed. Please forgive them, if they need forgiveness, please build huge towers of faith for them... please give them peaceful nights and smooth flowing days. please make them happy.. please teach me how to make them happier... to lighten their load, to light up their lives... because they are good people... because they deserve.

Monday, April 20, 2009

BBall @ 3M

it was so fun to play basketball with my colleagues... it is as if once we reach the court.. we are all friends and no longer colleagues! i love that feeling.

i feel really hyped up eventhough my throat is super itchy and it just isnt one of the more convenient days of the month... i know i act silly... but i really couldnt be bothered about my image already.. haha... i hope i bring good cheer and laughter to all the people because everyone made me so happy...

when i was playing, i dont get many chances to touch the ball.. because of my non-existence height... :( but, my teammate YC actually told me softly... "Grace, find a good spot, i will pass the ball to you." i am so touched! but to get the ball in... i aint the best choice la.. haha... there are better players.. and i SO want our team to win!

it was so fun!!!! must be the funEST BBall i had in a long long time... :)

dinner was a simple affair with the D.T (haha) and my boss (not being my boss). hahaha... i am super appreciative that they decide to eat porridge instead of nasi-lemak because of my throat... hee.

and in case nolly is reading this (so happy im bookmarked)... thx for the invite. i am honored to be considered someone who will mix well with ur 'family' :) i am just not sure if i am ready yet..

from my hp's note function 5

19th April
How to do know it is summer, in a country where seasons melt into eachother?
Why! when the sun shows his true color, and relishes in beating heat rays onto the land.
when the skies cannot be more clearer a blue and the grass a green more sharp than usual.

17th April
Dont look too closely because beneath the surface is a can of rotten meat, is the cake-y residue of cosmetics, is the flickering hologram of a heart.

Did a Confession of a Shopperholic

the parents are finally both out of town (read: OVERSEAS) and the children can smell the sweet, sweet smell of freedom! And guess what... the eldest trashed the car... the second trashed the coffee table in the living room.. and the youngest... hm.. nothing yet. hahaha...

i wonder what the parents will say when they get back... but i SO do not want to be there to break the news... hahahaha. oh my,... just thinking about it makes me shake my head..

anyway, went out the jes & her mom today...we went on a crazy shopping trip even when we didnt mean to... i bought 2 tees.. and 2 (erm.. i dun noe what to call that... pullover? but for bikini?) and 1 bikini...
man oh man oh man... the shopping bug had biten me!!! it was so not my fault... i was controlled by the salesperson and the mannequins!!! i tell you, it was a conspiracy of the greatest sort!.. they must have used some hocus-pocus which made my card flew out of my bag while i was frozen on the spot!!!! help! help?

lol.... sheesh... did i mention that i am super broke... please remind me not to spent... please tie my hands up and blind my eyes...

Sunday, April 19, 2009

a life of lies covering secrets

some things are better left unsaid... some pages are better left unwritten. the Whys of that, quite apparent. some people will never own a diary, they will never keep a blog. not because their lives are any less interesting, not because their story-telling skills are only passable, not because 'there is no time'.. but because their lives are so filled with deeply dark secrets... which are so intricately bounded to almost every action they take. Because, they cannot tell us a story of any kind of resemblance to their true selves... because they live a life so entrenched in lies covering secrets... my dears, how terrible that must be... to always check your sentences.. to always check your actions... to always monitor your expressions and your behavior. how hard it must be to live such a life? the worst part... they know their secrets so well...

i am not someone with lots of secrets.. at least not deeply dark ones... i have things i wont share with you... at least not until a suitable time... to selected few. but everyone has secrets, some more than others, some more dark than others.. but even with the small, almost negligible ones i keep... i find it tough.

may peace take you in his arms, and whisper lullabies into your ears.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Tangled & Untangling

i met up with Actswomen. Paik was MIA... Ivan must be too busy like he always is. We celebrated Elaine's belated bday at Aston @The Cathay with just a simple dinner and then we went for drinks at Giraffe. along with wishing Elaine the very best things in life, we celebrated (or at least, most of us did) becoming single again. Being single, is definitely NOT part of so called 'best things in life' in my opinion. it is simply a phase in life... just like being attached. until i meet the right one... everything will be just a prelude to that finale, preludes- good and bad.

We(Actsmen) have known each other since our first year in University.. and we have always been together since then. They are truly and really the reasons why i love SMU. People. people who i have met and love because of my attending this particular university. they are the reasons why i will never regret attending SMU.

Unlike what everyone thought… I did not head home after Giraffe. Took a detour and watched a show at Cathay-Battle at Seattle. It is a show that I thought require a little more mental power than I had then… hahaha. But still, it was an interesting show. Plus, I had an engaging company. haha

Anyways, I didn’t get to drive because my car is at the repair shop… scratched and dented my car (slightly). So, its going to come out from my pocket. Shucks. But i have to be responsible right? So, I will collect my car on Tues (maybe) and be $330 poorer. Eekk!

I had work today, after a great lunch of lobster porridge. Haha. Worked from 12.30 to 4pm.. but I didnt have to do much. Mainly, i chatted with my boss (haha… he ain’t your typical boss…). Anyway, he was telling me that I really need some Confidence pills hahaha… and he told me, that he sensed angst in me… hahaha… I don’t know if he is right… im quite happy with the world ard me… BUT I am also a v conflicted person.

Whatever it is, I have to sort myself out ASAP. I don’t want to lose myself.. and I know I am so close, so close to that!

Grace. O, U & T.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

hate mail to Grace

I thought really hard in the shower today. i thought maybe that I should not blog today because I have nothing good to say about myself. You know that, that is really bad because most of time, it is not difficult for me to like myself at all. It is like watching movie or tv, and you know that the lead is going to make a wrong decision and you are shouting at your seat, “NO! NO, NO, NO. Don’t do it..” But she did. And it didn’t take long, but the consequences (in this case, a bad one) came back and haunt her. Shucks, don’t ask me what did I wrong, I am not proud to admit it. Just know that, when I can finally think straight, I feel the stone settle ‘comfortably’ at my gut.

Dammit, grace! When are you going to wise up???!!!! So what if you are so goody and nice, you will end up hurting people in the end! You weak, weak girl, when will you realize that no one is tat good.

God, what am I doing? I am just going to beat myself up… until maybe, I can make sense of what I am doing and how that reflects on me.

from my hp's note function 4

14th April
tattoos of long ago
still present on your skin
makes me think of how young
you used to be
are you still the same you?
am i still the same me?
and does those tattoos
still tell the same story.

6th April
someone to run to, who is my harbour as well as my hearth. in his arms, tucked under his chin, that is where i will find my sanctuary. he will be the keeper of my heart, the priest of my soul, the master of my body. and as he is to me, i will be to him.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

some days...

some days are good, some days are bad. and there are some days which you know you will remember for a freaking long time to come.

i will not say much except to say that the past 2 days have been CRAZY. And in so many ways too. The Great, The Terrible, The Confused, The emotional highs, the lows and all the in betweens... i am drain, tired and totally lost. But i feel so rich, because of all the experience all packed into these short 48-72 hours...

maybe i will write out about what i have gone thr... but that will be another time..another day... now i need to sleep.

Sleep with me, in your beds, at your sofas, at your desks..

Tamar - Transcend. (the song pulls at me...)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Muy cansado!

super uber tired... but i still have some work to do.. and gosh look at the time.. it is only 9.32pm... yawns...

anyway, i had fun today after work... join the guys in basketball... it was a good workout! even though i really didnt get to touch the ball much.. hahaa... scored only 2 pathetic shots.. hahaha out of like thousands! haha

yawns... oh man... so freaking tired... kk, must go and listen to more energetic songs!!!

Here is one i shameless copied from T. of Magpies website. it is really really catchy and so cool!!! i want to be involved in such participative art!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Random entries abound!

i kept seeing bits and pieces of him today, it is uncanny and worrying. just thinking about it now scares me... but i see him in the pastor's expression, i saw shadows of us in the places we went together... it brings a smile to my face but most of all, it just freaks me out. so not healthy you know.. hahaha

this then leads me to point out a little tibit about myself... me(eng), moi(french), yo(spanish). i am a sentimental fool... and i feel strongly about places/spaces which i have shared with people around me... such as particular outlets/restaurants, such as mrt stations, such as benches... whenever i am there, walked pass, or think about it... my mind triggers the memory of the person i have shared the place with...

here are some specific ones (not exhaustive):
When i walk into any G2000... i think of Skye, because we always shop there in China.
There is a particular burger joint in P.S which makes me think of my ex. (many other places too)
Some places in Genting makes me think of this other guy i had a crush on, a long time ago.
Motorbikes at my void deck and Mc at NP makes me think of Jemy.
Woodlands Starbucks belongs to Jes.
Woodlands Library to P.Shuhui.
Particular benches in Yishun...

So, every time i am out with you, walking around or just sitting somewhere, that moment is building/accumulating and 1 day, that place will remind me of you... i will remember that moment, the shadow of us sharing that space together.

And before i go back to my work... 1 last point about me... i feel most comfortable in a big soft cottony tee shirt and panties. why i say that? because i have forgotten how nice it felt! and it just so happens that today, i remembered. It was deliciously comfortable! You (ladies) should try it too :)

easter sunday @ evangel

hm... big big HM...
dun noe why i agreed to my aunt's request that i attend today's service. But, well, i did. anyway, basically.. there was lots of singing and a loud and passionate sermon about why and how to live a redemptive life- by being a missionary.. etc. to be relational like christ... etc. etc. and then, there is the super long prayer which almost made me doze off (ALMOST) and there is the small amount of tongue here and there... slight... isnt too put-offish...

you know what i think? i dun think it is suitable for me... haiz... dun noe how to say... brain is a little fried.

you know? what if you have found Jesus... and you have found God... but you are stuck in this rat race trying to find a church... haiz... sad rite?

felt a lot more.. but so not interested in putting them into words now. Out.

old friends

i didnt get to drive to Iluma (the new mall at bugis) because the car batt went flat... how shity is tat! 4th or 5th day into having the car all to myself and that happens!!! (BTW, before u jump to conclusion... NO, i did not left the headlights on... the batt problem is already there for some time now.. even before my mom went to N.Z...)

Anyway, i went to Iluma to meet up with old pals... very very special friends of mine... because 得来不易. i knew them from my ex. so, that is roughly wat? 5 years ago? i am very thankful that i get to keep them even after my breakup... people have always been most impt to me... i rem that in the beginning, i would always label them as my bf's friends... but knowing them better and hanging out with them more, i gradually consider them my own.

i text them in the morning to ask if they are available to meet for tea/dinner. And they all turn up, and more... hahaha...i called up 3, but got 5 instead. how lucky am i huh? i am so happy to see all of them doing fine in their lives.. glad that there is a new girl for YunXiong :) glad that jit also came... (so sorry... i didnt have ur hp. no. ) Happy that Nigel and Grace are doing better. Super glad that we are all bickering/ challenging eachother, glad that we crack jokes, make fun of eachother, glad that we are still comfortable with eachother... or at least, i feel comfortable... hahaha Btw, the tea/dinner became 天天steamboat and 阿秋dessert at Liang Seah St. haha

Oh ya, i got new specs!!!! hahaha... $150.. that is quite reasonable rite? haha.. it is the cool, funky kind!!! hee... take a look!

Grace & Grace (in matching specs)

Friday, April 10, 2009

i am a wreak

Good Friday. was late. took cab-$10!!!. had mc breakfast. do work-visit creative agency. bought dvd (oops, should be borrowed instead). napped. picked up call from mom @N.Z.. watched dvd. cried like hell. dine at home. watched dvd. cried a little. blog. (rest still unwritten).

anyway... bride wars is a killer man.... it made me cried buckets.. but of cos in the end, it was really sweet and nice... typical! haha..

anyway, i am a wreak for more than just this crying episode la... haiz...

the light and the dark & heavy

Light is the antonym of dark. It too is the antonym of heavy. I wonder why this 1 word is use to represent 2 very different ideas… light as feather and light as a form of illumination.

Some things in life are so interwoven; they stand at the juncture of 2 verily different spaces/ideas/camps. These things are the connector from 1 pt to another pt. they serve a grand and meaningful purpose. They are useful. But, they can also be a sore point and the first things to be destroy to maintain the integrity of either pt.

Fortunately, most of us belong to 1 camp or the other… and seldom and rarely are the connector of the two. Lucky you.

Anyway, had dinner with Jes… and we went to Starbucks to chill… got my flask!!! Yeah! Hee… Jes always tell me that I shouldn’t be-friends my colleagues… her advice is to have a very clear demarcation. Don’t go out with them for shopping or movies… try to avoid dinner together also etc. etc. they are your colleagues, not your friends… haiz, I cant already la…duh! But I really wonder… if I could start over… would that be better? Would that be possible?

Drove home half asleep… man… so dangerous… so im heading to my comfy bed… sweet dreams this Holy Friday…

Thursday, April 9, 2009


好伤心,好气煞,好难过。哭过了,也笑过了,天也暗了, 可是心还是有点酸酸的,苦苦的。。。

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

nolly, looloo & God

nolly & looloo are people in my work place... whom i held dearly to. ellos son mi amigos! lunches with them are great. today's is no different. i really enjoy myself when i am with them. i guess, i can truely just be best buds with them. i laugh so much today. :)
I sincerely hope that we could bring this great friendship outside of work too... meaning, i hope to meet them up after working hours or on non-working days... but this is tough... i mean, already we see eachother every freaking day... right? wont it get boring and and turnoff-ish to see eachother on weekends?.... haiz

anyway... tmr there is a Get on the Same Page meeting... hahahah.... like its name, it is simply about knowing your boss better... clearing the air... trashing out stuff... you dislike/ take offence or like things you like and found good about your bosses... hahaha i wonder if this is para verdadero...

lastly, i know i have a long overdue conversation with God (below para).. so most of you can just finish up reading here.... rest well everyone!

dear god, i have this really bad feeling that if you were to judged me in this instance.. i will be found unworthy. it will not be because of my outrages claims which you could easily sue for defamation. not because of my lack of proper respect and faith (i know you know...i have that in oodles). but because my actions would not speak the best of me, when they should. when i know better, when i AM BETTER than this. i am ashamed and guilt is a burden i carry with me constantly these days. maybe i should have asked the question and know for sure if i am wrong. but even without speaking the question, my worry and confusion should have triggered red flags. im sorry, please forgive me for my foolish ways.

Monday, April 6, 2009

the entry which should not be posted

I deliberated for a long time before I decide to pen this entry. Mostly because I am too confused myself to know if I can put my thoughts in any resemblance of order.

Firstly, I didn’t expect him to msn me last night and I was quite stunted. I am surprised (still not sure if it is the good kind or the bad kind) that he still reads my blog. Even though, I no longer write for him (like I do in the past).

When he left, my solar system lost its sun and the rest of the planets have floundered trying to balance and find their place. They have not found one that they are comfortable with yet but… they try really hard.

I guess, he aspired to be more, and a mere sun in my universe wasn’t enough for him. Everyone looks for different things in life. And all I can say now is that we had different wants. I wish for the best, may the road rise up his every step, and that his skies are clear, but above all all these, I wish for him- love.

Anyway, today at work… it was a trying day. I was grilled during lunch, man the questions are tough.. hahaha… I know that no matter how I answer I will shoot myself in my feet.. so I kept to white lies and silences.. hahaha.. (I wonder if anyone will come to me and demand for the truth… hahaha)

Then, I had a horrid car ride, it was so terrible. In the beginning, it was tensed, then it got down-right crazy…. I tell you! You would never have tot the driver could be so… SO… just, just SO! (hands in air… waving madly) but I think… I made him happy or at least happier… which is good… in fact very good because at first.. he seems upset. no one should be too unhappy… it hurts others beside the person, you know? If you are happy, people around you tend to feel good vibes from you and that will cheer them up… (here is me… someone who can get really depressed, saying this… sheesh…. who is going to believe me eh?)

But still… to make him LOL, cost me a lot man.. hahaha… made me so agitated. My blood was pumping a gallon a min… haha… and according to him, my face was flushed.. my voice was raised… and I had to take a lozenge for my sore throat and the entire way back home to calm down… haha… yes man.. it sure was something to remember…

Anyway, I have 1 month.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sunday on the road

"it is better to be alone than among bores" -found on the cover of a notebook.
So freakish-ing true!

Anyway... was late for pilates because i taxi-ed my mom before my class, then had to fetch her from the market, and then drive her to my grandma's place... drove back home only just mins ago... got shitted from her because my parking sux... pissed!

tired... super duper tired... didnt get to rest much.. had to rush thr lunch with Clara (felt so guilty, gal!!! no matter wat, it was really nice meeting you and lunch though short was great) dinner was a simple affair...

my little cousin is quite the monkey... but i love him to pieces... how i wish he could remain like this.. a pesky yet innocent kid...
but already... he showed signs of having eaten the forbidden fruit... hahahaa... and gosh.. and he is so materialistic! you should see him... dancing aroung in the room, rubbing his hands in glee as he thinks of getting more money.. hahaha... must be firmer to him... pesky little cus.
(See the small fella in photo below)

Nice song....

Something to remind us of the goodness in the world

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Me, now

Not feeling so good today... felt poisoned.
Hope tomorrow will be better. Big sigh.

the stories from odds & ends

I bought new shoes from Charles and Keith but they are two seasons old. Some people will never be caught dead in them, but not me. My current shoes desperately need to be thrown away. I must be one of those rare few who actually visit a cobbler to mend their shoes (mine are not expensive shoes by the way). i have brought my shoes to the doctor a few times already but I think it is time that I let them die permanently.

Have you recently walk Orchard Road? No, that is fine. Have you seen the extravagance of today’s youth? No? Well now, open your eyes to the profligate, the excessive! They look no more than 20, dressed in designer rags, are well-groomed-head to toe, on their arms are branded IT bags, shopping bags from various luxury brands, the cameras in their hands are digital SLRs… and the list goes on and on…

I look at them and man do I feel a pang of envy. Come on, I would be lying if I said I did not feel anything. Fortunately, I understand that life dishes with an unsteady hand, so the amount of rice everyone gets differs. Being wealthy does not mean being happy and contented, but it sure helps to promote it! I guess, I just have to work for my happiness… don’t worry… that is quite easy for me. Chatting with my cousin always bring a smile to my face, and theirs too. Today is no exception. I love making people happy, it is my illness. Making others laugh makes me grin from inside out. But I also like to bring about annoyance and hair-pulling madness. I think that is just as hilarious. Hahaha. Plus, it sure as hell, makes a deeper impression. ;)

Break-up stories make me sad. They have a direct line to my heart. When i heard a highly publicized one today told in third person, I felt my heart crush inward… and then, another comment about not wanting to hurt a relationship gave me further pause….

今天我好像冤枉好人了。可能是自己太不懂事,太没经验,把一件事当成另一回事。嗐。。。我感到很不好意思,我这么讲话没经过大脑呢?不知道我到的伤到他没有?I am just myself… and I guess I am trouble sometimes…

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

To you, my goddess of the night

She is drop-dead gorgeous.
She stops my breath and makes me stare at her.
I know She is female... all that wiles.. just to make me look at her.
She makes stars pale in compare,
She dominate the night,
She is the moon.

my fascination with the moon is going to get me killed
or worse, get others killed...


scalding hot news!
I have booked my air tickets!!! Woo Hoo!!! Yesh! Woosh! Ah ha!!! woolala!!! yeah yeah yeah!
hahaha... im so happy, i think i am a little high~ They cost less than S$1K!!! hee

Anyways... take note, take note... in the month of May...
Leaving Sg on 14th night - flying to Perth
Leaving Perth on 19th morning - flying to Melbourne
Leaving Melbourne on 23th morning- flying back to Perth
Leaving Perth on 24th Morning- flying back to Sg

more details will be provided at a later stage...
Terry and YuanHwa.. will you guys be available between 19th-23th? i miss you guys and cant wait to see ya both!