Sunday, January 31, 2010

random thoughts

and so it became 4:
4 person in the world... whom i told of my little mom being one of them,a cousin and 2 friends. Honestly, i hope they dont go around telling others about it.. i mean afterall, it isnt a happy news or sth joyous to share.

Books i read/ am reading:
For most fiction buff- The 13th tale by Diana Setterfield
For fiction cum history buff- The Alchemist's Daughter by Katherine Mcmahon
For rare few who enjoy humor & philosophy together- Plato and a Platypus walk into a bar by Thomas Cathcart & Daniel Klein

i need clothes, shoes, bag, accessories and everything else too... just in case. lol
watch what movie?

Should i let myself believe that it is bad luck to be a bridesmaid/sister for more than 3 times? but my good friend leh...

25th Bday:
Where to eat huh? lol
will i get presents? and from who?
hm... 25? hm, hm, hm...

USA or Japan?

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