Wednesday, June 24, 2009

photograph #24 - A poem

a favorite book,
the photo album
has seen better days.
yet unmistakable it is
the loving care it receives
from tender human hands.

pages as days
maintaining the memories
of the time past and spent.
capturing faces of smiles and tears,
in dark black and white
and even multi-color.

dog-eared and folded
is a well flipped page
and in the centre-
the Mona Lisa of
a photograph
titled "A Perfect Day"

it is smallish
and fuzzy
blurry and faint
a dreamy quality
from watercolor painting
using a very light hand

off centre is
an image of 2
people frozen in
mid-stride and mid smile
against the backdrop
of a spray of warm rain.

clearly of certain
sentimental value
this photo is-
of 2 friends
which made eachother's day
perfect in every way

by me

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