Sunday, June 21, 2009

the grace i want to be

i have always secretly wish to be one of those tough cookie... those wonder women who dont easily shed tears... whose heart are not as soft... that is not to say that they are cold hearted or hard hearted... just that they are more, more strong...

i know i am not like that... i cry easily... feel too much for others... even for silly stuff like stories... how many times have i cried of a story book? over movies? even those shows on tv can make me cry... does it really mean that im week? that i am a big softy? haiz... i dun wan to be like that... i wan to be some really strong, independent, tough woman!

lol, i know this must sound a little crazy... but can i choose to be this other grace instead? and how do i go about it? how come the kind of person i want to be is so different from who i really am? i know i have my plus points too... but still... i rather be Wonder Woman...

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