Thursday, June 11, 2009

fear irrationally

a smart man fears rationally, a dumb one- irrationally. Guess which category i fall into (self-deprecating smile)?
i remember when i was around 20, i was waiting for my frens at a shopping mall, we split up to do our own stuff and was supposed to meet up again... but they were no where to be found... i called and called or i must have not have my hp with me... i end up tearing in the middle of the shopping mall.. when they finally showed up... i am a pathetic creature like tat... so old already still behave like tat. haiz. unlike a child, who really dont know.. i cant plead that case, can i? i should have trusted the people around me to come back for me... trusted in my own capability to find them even... but, that really isnt the problem... rationally, yes i could do all that... but irrationally, i fear being left behind... i fear that feeling. as if i was forgotten.

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