Tuesday, May 12, 2009

look no further

if bad news collide into me in my busy work schedule, i need not look any further than my fellow desk pushers... haha... nolly knows me so well.. he began bugging me in no time to tell him why i am bother.... my boss knows when i am keeping secrets from him and took my unhappiness into him too... haiz... i am so lucky right? to have friends even in my workplace... tell me, how can i not, fall on my knees and kiss the feet of God if He so allows.... how not to worship his presence?

no matter how upset... after a while we will all get better... because we are made in the image of God... and if he is so powerful... im sure, a little of his indestructibility rub off on us... in our emotions and feelings, in our hearts! people be strong... nothing is too difficult when you have Him to support you! :)

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