Sunday, May 31, 2009

a balancing act

for pilates today, the instructor made us run thr a balancing act... and man was it tiring! the good thing is that the sauna room is working... so i had a good 10mins of resting... then i head home to change and went out to meet Clara for GSS!

Got 3 tops, replaced my lost goggles and add another nail color to my already exploding collection.... sweet! had a good lunch, an even better dinner and a ride home! so damn sweet!!!

but of cos, everything was sweet and rosy because of Clara.. she was so concerned for me... (i noe many of u guys are too! thanks! xoxoxo)... we talked about our messed up lives. (mine more messed up). she encouraged to cont. shopping, when i didnt see anything i like... and cheered me up with her good nature spirit. we finished at 9 plus i think... amazing... really... my feet are killing me now but it is all worth it! haha

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