Saturday, May 16, 2009

first day in Perth, Australia

Hiya people!!! im frantically typing away on my pal's laptop to bring you news of me in Aussie!!! hahah. Today is just way cool! Arrived safe and sound at Perth Airport at midnight... reach a lovely and cozy home (Thank you Rachel & Alwyn) which we will camp out in for our time in perth. The first night was short and cold... we slept from 2 plus in the morning to 9.30am... In the morning, we follow looloo's map to the Tourist Centre.(thanks looloo!!!) Got a half day trip to Swan Valley-Margaret River Chocolate Factory- Caversham Wildlife Park & Tumblegum Farm-Sandalford Wineyard. Cool eh... We had delicious home cooked dinner consisting of kangkong & yongtaofu(homemade too!!!) at my pal's other relatives house and then we toured the Burswood Casino, we went for a quick bite at a convenient store, then we went to take the ferris wheel and take in the amazing view of King's Park at night...

But the ferris wheel is DA BOMB... we met this Aus Citizen who was Singaporean previously... and he gave us free ride on the VIP carriage!!!! This was after we got discounted price for the normal ride!!! can you believe our luck!?!!! So cool la.... haha... kk i need to go off now...

BTW, we booked our motel at Melb. so dun need to worry... hahahaha... thx for ur msn messages, your smses and ur call!

big hugs all around!

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