despite my failing health (read early morning dizziness and puking ) i managed to survived the day in office. i
wasnt on form at all.. you can ask my boss, my mind was slow and not working right. i
wasnt sure if i should play
bball with my colleagues/
frens... in the beginning i was a little blur.. but later into the game... i felt better... phew... so the cure is just some exercise... :)
anyways as the Type A H1N1 flu pandemic is going to blow us all the way to hell... i just want to say to all of ya out there... "treasure the people around ya man!!!!" who knows who is going to say "bye bye" to the world... BUT... do rem that if you owe me money.. PAY UP!!!
hahaha.. just kidding.
Hm... can you tell, that my jokes are just me covering up the fact that i will be really upset if you guys leave me? please
dont die on me... because you guys deserve your future, because you guys have so much more to accomplish... because if you guys average out the happiness
lvl of your life per day...
im sure i have load more than you... and that is just so unfair..
So, Dear God, please dont take my friends away before they are ready... dont let them leave this world you created without smelling the roses, without watching the clouds, without enjoying the sea, without admiring the mountains, without experiencing the wonders you have created for us. please do not take them so quickly because they have neglected the magic around them, because they have been self-sacrificial for so long.. and they deserved some more time to bring the love back into their lives.i burnt brightly, more brightly than some others because i want to share my warm and light... but that also mean that when i crash.. i crash real bad and i prefer to crash alone or with very close
frens. Sometimes, behind all my bright smiles... lies a small girl.. who nibbles at her fingers.. and awkwardly
hides at corners... hoping to be noticed... yet fearing that... thats just me. i find joy in burning super brightly whenever i can... throwing caution to the wind.
But whatever it is.. For so far, i have count myself blessed to have shared my life with all of you (even a little, because you all have enriched my life)... and whatever happens in the future... just know this.. we had fun and we were great together!
i love you. and do rem to love k?