Thursday, February 26, 2009

some times i am quiet, some time... i am loud

i feel as if i dun really fit some times... i guess because we come from such different TIME that it is difficult to sync our wave lengths and conversation topics. Maybe that is why i dont say so much... i just have nothing to contribute and if it is nothing good... why waste my energy contributing eh?

but some times, if the topic is right.. i just go blabbering away... some times it doesnt take much to make me silly and incredibly lame. i also love being a nuisance... no questions there. i do enjoy making other people frustrated and irritated. Skye will know that.. haha..

some times, i think i am giant among men... that explains why i do some really unbelievable things. like fight with kids for usage of internet at McDonald (hello? kids are generally selfish & they DUN talk to strangers)... like how i go against my boss... when i know i really should just shut up. haha... and how i raise my fist and shake at under the noses of people bigger than me... haha

but maybe, just maybe.. it could be that i implicitly trust people. i mean, i trust that even if i dont speak, the silence is comfortable for both parties. i trust that people will trust me... that i will only use 2 minutes of the internet... that people will not bully me unreasonably... and that people are nice...

this was a sore point in the last relationship... because my trust get exploited and that gives people looking after me lots of work... should i change? is this bad? it will be really really hard to change this..

i am happy being who i am...

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