Saturday, February 7, 2009

Part 4 - feeling horrid

im so thankful for my cus.... spent a long time with her after my Co. Day Event at Sentosa... we talked for hours!!! and ate so much!!!! hahaha. im so glad that i had her yesterday... was desperate for some1 to talk to... to keep my mind off other matters!

but i cant be surrounded with people all the time... yes, work is crazy... but i really find it difficult to concentrate on it... (only when i am home) in office, im fine. think i will coop myself in office on Monday...(this actually make me feel good... sheesh)

Still spending uncontrollably... scary i know but it makes me feel so good! :)

trying to drown myself in books. i know it is a temp. solution - finish all my books already... shucks.. like a drug they are to me.. replacing you. but when the aftermath breaks... it is like a crash and burn time... like now.

it is V day all over... i saw the flowers, the candies... the couples with litter the street and i feel... jealous? No. More like empty... needing. hate this weak side of me... haiz. i know im stronger than that. I have to be. i need to be sane!

dear god, please, please dun let me turn into a monster, who scorn at love and everything good and wonderful. dun let me belittle the love out there, dun let me lose faith in the good in the world. teach me to see beyond my hurt, beyond my scars and breathe into me, the clean and the pure. give me another day, a new start. bring me up to speed, put me back on path.. and place angels in life as you did before... and make me believe once again that love awaits around the corner... yours and the someone you have planned for me.

Beautiful rendition by Esmee Denters

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