Thursday, December 11, 2008

conversations in a coffee shop

my team and i had a sumptuous dinner at Mellben at AMK. 1 butter crab, 1 chill crab, 1 crab beehoon soup, drunken prawn, fried chicken, mantou and scallop with broccoli. damn nice! total with drinks round off to $300 for 8 person. who paid? technically it is my supervisor :) hee

then after that... my colleagues and i went for coffee... :) at one of the coffee shops in AMK. haha of cos no one drank coffee... it is just a term we use. we talked about work... a little... and about the more fun stuff... we talked about other people.... and D&D... and then i cant rem how... but we talk about fortune telling... and i learnt so much, so much about them... In relating their experiences with Chen shifu, i am present with bits and pieces of their life... of their past, of their current worries and their dreams and goals... and i also get to know more about their character...

how unexpected, that re-telling an experience one had with a fortune teller could be so revealing yet captivating too for the people listening... i feel as if i had just watch a great movie or as if i had read a good book.... i really enjoyed it.. of cos i wont be repeating what was said there and then... :) at least not on my blog...

anyways, i feel that i am more included after going with them...and that i got to know them better in some ways... it was great :)

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