Saturday, December 20, 2008

Batam Trip was Shiok! So is meeting my friends

the team building trip was really fruitful!!!! and i had lots of fun... in fact i think all of us had! which is a rare and much treasured thing. Thanks to C.S.N for their effort!!! you guys are a great team!

love my christmas exchange gift!!!! Thanks E.
Really enjoyed the night cap with L.M... i really got to know you better!!! :)
and u arent that scary afterall... hee

Met up with Heidi and Nuan and it was really nice... i miss them... and it seems like there will be NO christmas party sad... and i feel bad for forgetting heidi's bday (pls forgive me gal) k?
we drank a bit... or you should say i drink a bit... bec i began to feel that my throat area is v itchy and when i left Blu Jaz Cafe.. and when into the light... i was shock to see that i am red!!!! luckily, the redness and itchyness fade off soon... before i reach Yishun.
Wonder what happen?

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