Saturday, May 15, 2010

Stupid delicate stomach.

Spent Friday in bed because I took something bad for me on Thursday. Vomit throughout the evening and toss around in bed till friday morning. Sheesh. Doc prescribe me fever pills, vomit pills, and gastric pills. Friday I took porridge morning, noon & night. I stay in bed mostly when I'm not taking my liquid meals. Didn't even have mood to play with my iPhone, not to mention laptop. But I did recall a tv ad about freedom- how watching tv is somewhat like freedom. I though how similar that is to dreaming except dreaming is free.

I Dreamt of traveling in London. Dreamt of an underwater experience- exciting. Dreamt of being carefree and being able-bodied, not like now.

Woke up hungry- a gd sign.

- Posted on my trusty ifone :)

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