Monday, May 10, 2010

Black Monday

i had a horrible yesterday... Sunday. Dinner was average at best (yes, despite it being Mother's day). I didnt get to do what i want to do (R&R), nor did i get my shot of coffee...
Got to bed at 12nn.. tossed and turned, tossed and turned... at 3, i was conscious... at 5 i was waken by my maid's alarm... between 5 to 6.30 i was TRYING to get back into slumberland...

Had to pour coffee into my body to stay awake at work at 8.15... then shit happens.. meeting didnt went well... got blindsided by some decisions... wasnt alert to mis-coms.. and then was called into a meeting to discuss my problems... i was so stressed up that i blank out.. seriously.. its the first time it happened to me (despite all my years of study... i never blanked out)... couldnt rem what i did the whole freaking day...

And now... i have to do today's work. tell me... am i breaking down?

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