Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Standard of Living

do you rem to story of the Ring of Gyges????
This ring supposedly could give the wearer the power of invisibility. wat it say is that when man can disregard the consequence of his action (such as not being judged etc) he will do evil...

when singaporeans leave singapore and with it (the numerous fines and laws, and watchful eyes of people who know them) do all of them seem to gain a ring of gyges?

i do not... but it is difficult i tell you.... how do you hold on to your principles and standard of living (the kind of actions you take in your daily life), when ur environment does not inhibit negative actions and there is little social disapproval when do commit these actions?

i am not defending these people who 出了家门,到别处撒野!他们真的破坏我们的形象及名誉!They should really go some corner and rot and die!!! muahahahah!!!! (creepy grace.... hahaha)

kk... gtg rest

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