Wednesday, August 13, 2008

sentimental fool over China

a few people have told me that i am sentimental.... i rather not say whether that is a good thing or a bad thing. But, just leave it as something that i am...

today as i am walking home.... i suddenly felt tat i love china... or the china that i know.... Guangzhou, Guilin, Hong Kong, Wuhan... Beijing... i will miss Her and the people that i have met... on the train rides... friends' frens... friendly/helpful people.... and of course some of the people in my company (i will list u guys 1 by 1 another time.. there isnt alot anyways... i have got high standards ya...).. there is always an ugly side to things... bad people too.. in every country... but there are alot going for china... i wish things were different and i could stay happily... but that is not the case. I really hope that one day i could find my piece of china.. and i am just so envious of the Chinese for being able to call china theirs....

thank you.

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