Monday, August 18, 2008

slices of life

more updates on my life here in Foshan.... just finished watching Hellboy The March of the Golden Army.... damn nice.... but could show more of the army la... still.... cried like mad... dun noe if my eyes will swell up tmr... watch Indie 4 a few days back... yep... and still managed to catch some exciting parts of the olympics... esp. Gymastics and a little of everything.. but over here... we get more China focused matches... like duh.

Met some of my colleagues during dinner... foshan is only that big... haha... nah! its bec the place we go to for meals... are quite limited... hm.... i wouldnt say it was a big deal... i mean... if it was in SG... nobody will give a *toot about it... haha but i guess in China... its quite different... it is just quite funny to me.... well... Ting has to go back early so we left before they started eating....

today... my dept began interviewing potential fillers... erm... 1 guy.... 26, married, 2-3 work experience, MBA to do my job...and i really wonder... oh well..

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