Sunday, August 31, 2008

Details- flight details.

Flight: SQ0851
Date: 06SEP
Time (Departure at GZ): 1325
Time (Arrive at SG): 1725

the new guy and my first time

yup... rem prev posts... i talk about the co.'s recruitment.... yup THAT guy is hired... well... i cant blamed them for being inpatient... but... hm.... v risky.... anyways.... i have been teaching him the routine... and this week (since today is a sunday) will be all him doing the work and me monitoring his ability to handle the stuff....

okok.... boring huh... the exciting stuff... i went river rafting today... damn fun... but i heard could be better... more thrilling in other parts of china... but still it was really cool and a first for me... so yup! First time at River rafting!!! but im sure i will develop bruises in no time... at my butt and heels... strange place huh (heels)? anyway... lots of clothes to wash... things to pack and no idea where to start man!!!

Friday, August 29, 2008

"Never better" - Hermione G. (with a british accent)

yup... i think that sums up my feeling right about... now!

Never better, never more assured that my decision to leave is the right/ CORRECT one.

i know better than any1... what are the things i will miss... the things.. i may never get back unless im overseas... and i miss them sorely, pathetically.

But, to stay true to myself... to my CORE well-being....i know i have to leave. i know i am a survivor in the LONG RUN. you may think otherwise. Go ahead, i give u leave to do so.

i have never pretended to be someone who is easily understood... in fact i lamented about just the opposite...

Sorry, i dont fit a mold.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

plagued even in my dreams

... my time in GZ is slipping thr my fingers and yet... i dun seem to be able to do what i really want with it.. it is just kinda weird... and i feel a puppet... can someone pls cut the freaking string?!!!!!!!
and my nights... gosh... terrible i tell u.... my dreams are on the verge of disturbing... not only do they have elements of reality in them... but they are all negativity and darkness....(read terminal and frustrating....) sheesh.... wat is with all these crap going on in my life huh?


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Standard of Living

do you rem to story of the Ring of Gyges????
This ring supposedly could give the wearer the power of invisibility. wat it say is that when man can disregard the consequence of his action (such as not being judged etc) he will do evil...

when singaporeans leave singapore and with it (the numerous fines and laws, and watchful eyes of people who know them) do all of them seem to gain a ring of gyges?

i do not... but it is difficult i tell you.... how do you hold on to your principles and standard of living (the kind of actions you take in your daily life), when ur environment does not inhibit negative actions and there is little social disapproval when do commit these actions?

i am not defending these people who 出了家门,到别处撒野!他们真的破坏我们的形象及名誉!They should really go some corner and rot and die!!! muahahahah!!!! (creepy grace.... hahaha)

kk... gtg rest

Monday, August 18, 2008

slices of life

more updates on my life here in Foshan.... just finished watching Hellboy The March of the Golden Army.... damn nice.... but could show more of the army la... still.... cried like mad... dun noe if my eyes will swell up tmr... watch Indie 4 a few days back... yep... and still managed to catch some exciting parts of the olympics... esp. Gymastics and a little of everything.. but over here... we get more China focused matches... like duh.

Met some of my colleagues during dinner... foshan is only that big... haha... nah! its bec the place we go to for meals... are quite limited... hm.... i wouldnt say it was a big deal... i mean... if it was in SG... nobody will give a *toot about it... haha but i guess in China... its quite different... it is just quite funny to me.... well... Ting has to go back early so we left before they started eating....

today... my dept began interviewing potential fillers... erm... 1 guy.... 26, married, 2-3 work experience, MBA to do my job...and i really wonder... oh well..

Sunday, August 17, 2008

great times

great times are often the result of a wonderful activity... plus a great company which u carry out the activity... and such it can be referred to by the chinese as 天时地利人和!and the past 2 days can be said to be such great times during my short stay here...

as i see the end of the tunnel... i am getting a little foolish about the things i am leaving here.... my comfortable place... the lux things i do such as taking the taxi almost every time i need to go to places... the food.... fastfood more than once a week.... but more importantly... the people i have met and got to know better... the relationships... which are so short lived.... of course you cant say whether they will fade away... but across the distance and far from reach... well... you do the math...

SO, back to main topic.... Great times... Chimelong Water Park... like our Wet Wet Wild but bigger.... with a bunch of nice people.... and Karoke session till 2am to celebrate a gd friend's bday (Jes... same day as urs).... with again... a bunch of nice people (close frens too...)..
i really enjoyed those times... eye opener one like Chimelong.... i tell u the toilet/changing room... is just huge and the people are so open about some things... hahaha... and nv tot i will have so much fun drinking beer and sing karoke... haha... sang like the whole time... hahaha.... hope i didnt kill anyone with my lousy voice....

kk.... its late... and tmr there will be a meeting at 9am... only got informed on Sat night..... shity rite? plus had to go to office today to sort some data for the meeting tmr.... so ya... love u guys...

oh ya... Sg got their first medal in Olympics today from Table Tennis Ladies (group)... Silver... expected... hahaha... but still... well done team SG!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

sentimental fool over China

a few people have told me that i am sentimental.... i rather not say whether that is a good thing or a bad thing. But, just leave it as something that i am...

today as i am walking home.... i suddenly felt tat i love china... or the china that i know.... Guangzhou, Guilin, Hong Kong, Wuhan... Beijing... i will miss Her and the people that i have met... on the train rides... friends' frens... friendly/helpful people.... and of course some of the people in my company (i will list u guys 1 by 1 another time.. there isnt alot anyways... i have got high standards ya...).. there is always an ugly side to things... bad people too.. in every country... but there are alot going for china... i wish things were different and i could stay happily... but that is not the case. I really hope that one day i could find my piece of china.. and i am just so envious of the Chinese for being able to call china theirs....

thank you.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

So vugar

is it too much to ask for? to ask of you to understand that now is a difficult time... and tat i would really like more encouragement? i know the consequences of my actions.... though i may not show it... yes... money is an impt factor.... and i noe i have almost bankrupt the family... and we are in deep loan... i will take the necessary actions... and will bear the responsibilities... and YOU will get ur money back. i hate discussing money... it is so vugar.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Break the dam!

the breaking of a dam is normally associated with... literally.... a dam overflowing or breaking under the force/pressure of the water... duh right...

it could also mean.... an emotional upheaval, resulting in tears or outbursts.... that is what i mean... i have been reduced to such a state many a times these short months.... i know... i havent write alot... that is because i dont want to burden you - family and frens with my frustrations and misgivings... it is a typical asian behavior to not air dirty laundry (there is a lot of that) here.

i am disturb by the extent of pathetic character of some of the people here (in my office). the word here is "pathetic", not simply "bad" or "weak"... and if you know me.... people and relationships mean the most to me....that are some things... i can put up with.. and even live with... but people who lack virtues? who lack ethics? who lack heart? i had enough... it is said that the 7 closest people around you shape you... so do forgive me if i decide to get out before you could rob me and corrupt me of my goodness (even if you think i have little or it is just a weakness)

so, that is for now....(decided to write a little after another tearful event)... for the whole truth and nothing but the truth.... well... im not sure if i will end up writing that... unless...i have reasons too- another interpretation of Break the dam!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Storm inside my bedroom - A poem

A constant rumbling of thunder
Plays softly in the background
Lightning beats through dark curtains
In disco-light rhythms
I splay on my bed
My coverlet tangled
All over my body
Warmed and bothered
About the storm
Inside my bedroom

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Beijing Photos

A near by temple
With a colleague's child


后海- the clark quay of Beijing

全聚德 Well-known place for eating Peking Duck

Peking Duck