Saturday, February 9, 2008

LNY or CNY 08?

this year, with no school, LNY does not represent to me, what it does to many - much needed break from school. but this year, i find myself cherishing this holiday more. most probably because of the coming work relocation. i notice that i am more participative and more open and willing to interact with relatives- distant and not so distant ones.

Also, it is the first year, Yihui came over to bai nian. i am really glad he came. we played majong with my cousins. i truely felt that we have gone deeper into our relationships. he was really glad that i invited him over. and my parents seem alright with our relationship. here are people close to me that i will miss when i head over to guangzhou. they care about me because i am family, and for no reason other than that.

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