Saturday, January 5, 2008

Shopping with Family

I really enjoyed spending yesterday with my cousins. We spent almost a whole day at Far East Plaza. I got 2 tops while they got numerous tops and jeans... skinny jeans rox! We tried lots of shoes but like what Em said "there is always something (one thing) wrong with it" and "nothing screams "buy me!"".

I was actually quite surprised that i have enjoyed it so much... this must be one of the few times we went out shopping with them in years. In the past, we always spent v little during our so called shopping trips which only consist of going to Eastpoint and since JC we have not had so much time to spent with each other...

Sometimes things get awkward, at least to me,when our parents are around us. i know it sounds weird but these cousins of mine are more like friends then relatives to me. Thus, with parents around... i sometimes find difficulties interacting with them... because it just seems 'off' to treat them like my friends in front of all our parents...

That said, i definitely want to spent more time with all of them esp. Em and her family. It is fortunate that memories esp. the good ones tend to stay with me for a long time... and i can call upon it still. what is life but a collection of memories. and in that line of thinking, the loss of memories is like the loss of life- death.

A well lived life, would be one filled with countless beautiful and good memories. And i look forward to having such a life with all my friends and family around me.

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