Thursday, January 17, 2008

burnt my shoulders

its only wednesday... (okay, i mean thursday after looking at the time on my laptop) and already im tired out... monday i went for 2 interviews... as i have previously mentioned. tuesday i went cycling at pulau ubin with A&W (Ahmad and Wilson, both i knew only from SIA interview)... it was a grand experience...(not discounting my burnt shoulders, my painful buttocks, my aching arms and the mosquito bites i have got). However, i really enjoyed the wind on my face. despite the day being very sunny and hot, going down slope is very cooling, my visor flew off on one occasion... the 3 of us crap about alot. i cant believe how easy it was, becoming their friend... we met less than 5 times... since we first met.... and already we are very slack and lame when we get together. they are 1 of the 2 best things i got out from SIA, the other is experience.

Today, (i mean wednesday) i paint my house [pinto mi casa], 1 living room and 3 bedrooms [un salon y tres habitacones]. i didnt doing it all myself of course. my papa and mama and my youngest brother also paint with me. [pinto mi casa con mis padres y mi hermano]. it was hard work but we did it! now my room looks like a girly shop with the peppermint colored walls and a huge pink desk. i didnt think it would turn out so young... but it was different and not too bad.. haha.. its very cheerful and bright... hope, i will be like that too...

Also, i have received calls from both companies where i interviewed, i got into the final interview.... but whether i will get the job is still a big question mark.... gosh... well.... i will tell you guys more next time...

i really want the job that i will be going for interview on this friday... which technically means tomorrow!!!! So please give it to me.

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