Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Another beginning

My 2008 beginning is a little subdued, but it was fine by me. Yihui and I spent dinner and afterwards at our friend's den. We had steamboat with shabu-shabu...(the shabu-shabu disappeared faster then you can say "shabushhh-"). We were all watching the countdown (on the TV, it was not very good, to say the least) when the hosts began to countdown... 10, 9, 8,--5, 4, 3, 2, 1.... ok, happy new year.... yup. that is it. Then it was Jan 1 00:01, Now it is 2nd Jan 20:17. Man, does time takes the bullet train.... Most of the guys spent the early morning of Jan 1 playing poker...

My new year resolution (and why not? because everyone have them...though not many actually managed to fulfill them) is to not lose more friends then i have already had and to keep our friendships strong. Losing my Hp has drastically reduced my contacts... (if you guys reading this suspect that i have lost ur numbers (esp. if u have recently changed them), pls sms me with ur name and number alright?)

So today, Yihui and I had out first date of 2008. I made him brunch consisting of simple sandwiches, we catch a movie (National Treasure 2).. we went to observe prawning to see if it would be fun.. we took a long walk with a good breeze... and had dinner at LJS. it was a simple affair, not pricey but there was lots of room for conversation and hand-holding... a good couple time. may it be something that will continue throughout the year, even after i had found a job and he acing his studies...

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