Tuesday, June 15, 2010

While I was working, life has moved on.

The night sky looks well combed by a familiar hand as I stroll in my park. It's been so long since I last took such a sinful activity mainly because work has been my constant companion in my nights. Indeed, it was almost refreshing to finally have time to praise the heavens and sprout poetic garbage into my digital diary.

The world has changed since I last wrote, did you noticed? Last week my friend found her soulmate, last night crazied soccer fans (with and without vested interests) punched the silence of my ten-elevens with "goayeah!!" the world cup has again came knocking on our doorsteps. Has it been 4 years? But, more things than that have changed. I have changed become older, more complex, more clear about what I want, not want, and more clear about what I am not clear about. Haha.

- Posted on my trusty ifone :)

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