Thursday, June 10, 2010

Beat, beaten, beatest?

I am folded on my bed like the towel I used to dry my hair- spineless, because I'm so tired. Slept for only 3+ hours last night. Today we welcome a guest from our US side so the whole day end about 9+pm after dinner at Jumbo seafood. Tot the crab smell a bit funny hope it wasn't spoilt else tmr I'm going to Kenna badly. Have lots in my mind, not sure if I should even open my laptop bec I know I will be flooded with emails. My eye hurts the whole day with the contacts in them. But I had to tahan... Nevertheless, today wasn't too bad and I didn't regret working till 3.30am last night.

Kk gtg because I have more work to do. And sleep to catch up.

- Posted on my trusty ifone :)

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