Friday, June 18, 2010

Fri shopping with cus!

My adidas jacket from Actsmen for my 21st has finally spoilt. I dun know where the zipper went. It has been really really useful and lasting leh!!! 4 years... Wow! Anyway I went to Ion's Adidas shop to find a replacement.


Isn't it beautiful?!??? It is comfortable too and not too hot! Of cos it is designer lah! Stella's collection which means it cost a bomb. Thus, I didn't get it... Haiz. No more money leh since I have used up for my ticket to NZ and exchange $1k to NZ dollars. Can't wait for payday man.

P.s. got another jacket at 25% of the one I am wearing in the photo. It is not bad lah. Hee. No picture though haha. TGIF!

- Posted on my trusty ifone :)

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