Sunday, June 27, 2010

Germany, Germany, Germany!!!!

Gosh, why the hell didnt i just go ahead and ask them to bet for me?!!!!
Here i am, up, following seeing all the text updates on the live match going on and the crowd at the coffeeshop below is going WILD! their "GOAL!" and "AHHS" and "YEAH!!!" are more real time then the website lor!!!

I was supposed to go to bed after a light read of my story book... but the fanatic cheers and high emotions are just driving me mad, i tell you... Oh. BTW, it is now 4-1. Germany for the win! 74th minute le... gosh!!!! i am so going to watch the highlights tomorrow.

kk,, its the 80th min.. i seriously dont believe there will be a come back for the brits... so erm i will go and prepare for bed.

YEAH YEAH YEAH!!!! The final whister has sound!

Germany 4- England 1!

Well done! Jes... can treat me le? hahaha

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Juliet, what should I do?

Watched Letters to Juliet, and I must say it is a very romantic film with funny bits in it. The cast does an ok job I think. But 'claire' is pretty good and funny. Lots of nice quotes in there that struck a chord in me. I will find it and put it up on my blog soon.

Watch the match between Brazil & Portugal from orchard to somerset 313 haha. We caught the actions as we pass the McDonalds, pubs, resturants, cafe etc. Sadly, it's a draw. Jes won a miserable 50 cents hahaha. At least got some money la. Anyway, it's the first soccer match I actually watch more than 50% for this world cup. I need to see some action! Go go go!!!

- Posted on my trusty ifone :)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Finding fulfillment at work

Unless u are working for love i would say that the title is a myth. Work is just what it is, a means of putting food on the table, or like how Jes would put it "to finance my travels". I didn't understand this simple truth at first but now I do. And I'm happier for it.

I learn to seek fulfillment outside of it. And I learn to let things go unless of cos they piss me off then I should seriously considering taking revenge. Muahaha.... (creepy huh?)

Oh btw, I'm doing up my blog so ya. Bear with all the changes k?


- Posted on my trusty ifone :)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I *heart Jaden Smith.

Enjoy yo!


so confused.
some times i really am
situations which i do not know how to attend to-
Somedays wishing to be Everydays,
Some futures wishing to be ends,
Someones to become

Monday, June 21, 2010


Friday, June 18, 2010

Fri shopping with cus!

My adidas jacket from Actsmen for my 21st has finally spoilt. I dun know where the zipper went. It has been really really useful and lasting leh!!! 4 years... Wow! Anyway I went to Ion's Adidas shop to find a replacement.


Isn't it beautiful?!??? It is comfortable too and not too hot! Of cos it is designer lah! Stella's collection which means it cost a bomb. Thus, I didn't get it... Haiz. No more money leh since I have used up for my ticket to NZ and exchange $1k to NZ dollars. Can't wait for payday man.

P.s. got another jacket at 25% of the one I am wearing in the photo. It is not bad lah. Hee. No picture though haha. TGIF!

- Posted on my trusty ifone :)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

I swear that i will not be bullied by those nasty people!

i used to think " live and let live", "be kind and nice to others" so that they will do the same to you. I guess i finally realised that it is a load of bullshit.

Today will be the last time i get bullied. From tomorrow, i will no longer to such a softy. I will no longer let people's wrong comments go off easily. They should eat their words!

This doesnt apply to my friends of course... but work-wise. This is it!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

It's coming back..

My head hurts, did my hair today ard 6 in my neighbourhood and the hairdresser did a check on my scalp with her machine (nowadays super high class man) and told me my scalp is sensitive bec it is hurt. Late nights the culprit again. I left work early today bec my heart started to beat really fast and sitting at my desk I can hear the sped up thumpings.. Seems like it's coming back my lousy health. If only I can rattle off vuglarities without hurting ur sensibilities... There is so much going on inside... It is not easy to see but please try...

- Posted on my trusty ifone :)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

When my boss is right

Never belittle the small things/favors in life, they may have larger and longer impact then what you first thought.

- one of the many times my boss is right.

- Posted on my trusty ifone :)

While I was working, life has moved on.

The night sky looks well combed by a familiar hand as I stroll in my park. It's been so long since I last took such a sinful activity mainly because work has been my constant companion in my nights. Indeed, it was almost refreshing to finally have time to praise the heavens and sprout poetic garbage into my digital diary.

The world has changed since I last wrote, did you noticed? Last week my friend found her soulmate, last night crazied soccer fans (with and without vested interests) punched the silence of my ten-elevens with "goayeah!!" the world cup has again came knocking on our doorsteps. Has it been 4 years? But, more things than that have changed. I have changed become older, more complex, more clear about what I want, not want, and more clear about what I am not clear about. Haha.

- Posted on my trusty ifone :)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Beat, beaten, beatest?

I am folded on my bed like the towel I used to dry my hair- spineless, because I'm so tired. Slept for only 3+ hours last night. Today we welcome a guest from our US side so the whole day end about 9+pm after dinner at Jumbo seafood. Tot the crab smell a bit funny hope it wasn't spoilt else tmr I'm going to Kenna badly. Have lots in my mind, not sure if I should even open my laptop bec I know I will be flooded with emails. My eye hurts the whole day with the contacts in them. But I had to tahan... Nevertheless, today wasn't too bad and I didn't regret working till 3.30am last night.

Kk gtg because I have more work to do. And sleep to catch up.

- Posted on my trusty ifone :)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Where are you my friend

Where are you my friend, my partner
in fun and laughter?
Where are all the happy moments
we had, flew to?
Why have we change?

Things are different now.
You have your clique.
And me, none.
Where are you my friend, my midnight
Phone caller?
Why have we change?

- Posted on my trusty ifone :)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

where did it go?

i used to be so confident, so sure of myself... that my parents would tell me off.
Now... why am i so pathetic?