Sunday, April 25, 2010

sick, sick, sick!

i got up early for a sunday... i guess i had to because i was coughing... my phlegm is disgusting and green. and they are a lot. the doctor rests on sundays... and so my mom doctored me with green bean soup... other than a quick trip to office to tidy up my desk, i spent my entire day at home- in my room. my books have all been finished. the DVD has also run out... but my headache did not.

I find it weird that i suddenly developed a seriously painful headache in the mid day... it is like the the Monkey God's golden headband... tightening around my temples.. at the back of my head... it is driving me crazy.. I want to scream out my pain.. yet my cough keep me silent..

This isnt the first time i had developed headache from coughing and sore throat... i cant believe it lor.... where got people as weak as me one?!!!! sheesh... no point wasting my energy now la... hate myself for being so useless and weak!

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