Saturday, April 10, 2010

All that anger

It was a really really nice dinner and a really really shity ktv. Hahah ok not true la. The ktv is ok except that as usual i sux at it. I could put aside the pain in my stomach till I finally reach home- I immediately put some oilment on it and rub forcefully. My brother had to ask me for my mom's petrol card pin number just as I go to bath. Hello??? I pass u after la! But he wouldn't listen and insisted on it. So I LL have to go back to my bedroom, find my phone n find the number I saved on my notes function. I was really pissed with his attitude. Moreover, before I could come out, I hear him asking for his clothes which he left in the bathroom. So I said, "ya sure watever, wait I am coming out." when I did, he scold "F**k". And I'm like.... What?
Gosh, i felt terribly unbalanced, I mean hello??! I got u the info u wanted, when you wanted, had to put my wants behind yours, don't get any appreciation and still have to listen to your "F**k"?!?!?!?
If I hate you every now and then- it's fine wat! Makes perfect sense eh!? Sheesh. Looking at how I get treated at home, is it any wonder why sometimes I am a spoilt brat outside? Always being stubbon?

Thank you, my friends for puttig up with me on bad days.

- Posted on my trusty ifone :)

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