Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Goodbye & Goodnight

And the last step was made,
as my body prepared for bed.

I finally reach home at 11. Tired and sad. It has been a tiring day, I feel like I lost 2 friends today. 1 to distance, the other to miscommunication. I honestly don't know which is more permenent.

My feet hurts even with them propped on the bed. I think I must have over walked or stand today. My eyes play tricks with me as I spell and re-spell my words.

I think I love my friends too much to ever consider them bf material, not that they are not qualified but seriously I love them too much la. Friendship is forever, but love is unpredictable.

I think I should take a break soon. Feel so tired not just physically and mentally, I think spiritually also. Need to sleep le.

I love u guys, maybe I dun tell u often enough but seriously, i do.

- Posted on my trusty ifone :)

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