Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Good day, bad news

a respite from my usual zip to work
i followed the beige sheltered walkways,
cross the sun-baked tiled square
down cement stairs, flanked by grass
overdue for their paid cut.

plugged-in to my ipod which
jutted out from my shallow skirt
pocket, i sang along
in a half-carried way
a tune too upbeat
for the journey.

despite the laptop weight
on my shoulder, my mood
was light and my step- quick,
even in my 2-inch heels.
tapping to the music while
i queued for the bus.

the Singapore Meteorological Station
served individual rainclouds these days
i note the one park at my head..
it wasnt too bad until the storm hit- Cancer,
strike my play mate.

now, is it still a wonder
how beautiful the day was for me?
because i could be laying
on a bed instead
of going to work today.

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