Monday, October 19, 2009

been thinking...

not a good thing i tell you... me thinking means i am 'lost' yup, yes sirree... almost got knock down by a car.. because i was busy trying to get my thoughts into my iphone... shitteee (seriously). but still... here is a peak into my thoughts for now..

second life... that is what advancement in technology and medicine has given us... when i am 60 or 70.. and still alive... i could (if i am still healthy) be shopping.. having lunches/ dinners with my pals...i could still be traveling... learning a new skill or reading books at the library... sheesh... sounds like now right? minus the work la... of cos.

Grace is getting married.. not this Grace... another Grace :) and i am so glad for her and nigel! :) you guys sure went thr alot... and nigel is so capable... and Grace is even more capable... im sure she will rule over nigel in important things.. hahhaa.. nah, i dun noe about tat la but still... they are a loving couple. which makes it 3, 3 close pals... getting married this year (1st Jan also count la) and then Tian's engagement for her wedding next year... i guess... most people look to 25 -28 as age for marriage... hm... still single and still wondering if i will ever meet the my other half.. sometimes it gets down right depressing... because you have no 1 to turn to... my frens are swell, really but i need my other half... how can i put it to you without sounding desperate and pathetic? i wish i have somebody... somebody who will be with me every step of the way...

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