Sunday, August 16, 2009

Good times fly, a minute- a butterfly

It is Jes's bday!!! happy 24th girl! may all your wishes come true esp. in work... :)

Mom is back!!! yeah and she bought chocolates and all sorts of neat japanese snacks... hee. i also heard that she bought me some clothes. woo hoo!

Had a super dinner on Friday!!! grilled sea food rox! lobster... lobster... slivate

Had a super dinner on Saturday!!!! Green Monster is the best beer i have tasted!!! hee.... but still.. only manage to finish half a pint... lucky we share... hahaha

So.... i guess tmr (i mean today) i need to go amore... hahaha and do work.. sheesh... good times sure fly.. i noe JLT for how long already? since Sec1... that is 13?... so that would mean i noe them for 11 years already? WOW.... i never want to lose u guys k! long hugz!

side note... a poem i composed on the way home

you used to walk me home,
the voice from my phone.
i never thought much about it
but now i kinda miss it.
if only things did not change,
my life wouldnt be so plain.
now different people walk me home
artists from my earphone.

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