Monday, August 3, 2009

chatting with angels

we chatted for a couple of hours, me and my personal anngel. it really is very precious to me.. the few hours because, angels are busy creatures... haha. but despite the short amount of time and the inappropriate-ness of the place (angels dont hang out at starbucks rite?), we did some serious work!
1. Bible study - Mark 11.24
2. HTHT (heart to heart talk) ;)

our HTHT is about how God judges. this is a topic close to my heart because i often felt misunderstood and mis-judged. i felt that my actions are freely mis-interpreted. and i feel upset about it. of cos, i realise that i contributed to this because after all, my actions are the ones that are being interpreted. however, i didnt expect people to cast judgement so carelessly ya know? and... as people (poor pathetic human beings) who are they (we) to judge? which is why i wanted to know how God judges... Does He/She judges us by our actions/words/intentions or all 3?

Because, because, i really hope my intentions and motives are judge! how i wish i can carve open my skin and body and let others see the whys of my ways, but that is not possible- only God can. All i can do (other than by my actions- which are already mis-interpreted) is to TELL you via words of my reasons for doing the things i do.

people tell me that words are cheap... and that is true. we made them cheap by lying... but they are really, the only things we really own... they are the means of expression our thoughts, feelings etc. words are cheap because people lie.. because people dont mean their words... because we wield them loosely... So, take care with your words, understand that words ARE important and weighty. Dont lie, that will cheapen your words... and be more trusting to others' words (maybe i should take my own advise on this)... you never know, you might be hurting others feelings when they speak the truth.

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