Monday, March 30, 2009

Not for the faint hearted

my dearest, and i mean all of you.
i dont want to write another entry of heavy loneliness...

i think i am beginning to understand why some people are always be in a relationship. There is something unexplainable about burrowing your face in his shoulders, about placing your palms flat on his chest, about feeling his heartbeat, about walking your fingers on his skin, about watching his eyes, his smile, and playing his expressions in slow motion when he is not with you. there is that the resonating sound of a gong when you run into his arms, the sweet and oh-so-delicious bounce when your bodies meet, the very tangible and satisfying grasp of your hands on his arms, the soft silky whisper his hair makes when your fingers weave in. the addiction which makes your lips reluctant to leave his.

these make my hands itch, my heart long, my soul hungry... because i have tasted it. i know how it felt. that incredible, intense and drug-ery experience of love. instead, i have written about the heavy pull of desire...

Side note:
if you have not, please go to T. of Magpies (under Her Interest, on your right, and read the entry on Sunday 29th of March.). It is absolutely clever and hilarious... haha... (i so want that book!)

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