Sunday, March 8, 2009

My greatest achievement?

someone asked me what is my greatest achievement and i couldnt answer because i dun feel that i have done anything near greatness yet.

but i came really close to greatness- i met someone great! or maybe it will be more accurate to say that i just found out that someone i know is great. haha... it may not be his greatest achievement, but to me... if i did what he did... i think THAT will be my greatest achievement!

to risk my own life for another- that must be deserving of the name of 'greatest achievement'... and i am very proud and yet at the same time, humbled that i had the good fortune to meet someone like tat... i think, it must be even better than meeting LKY himself (wink).

i would trade, all my smarts (i know it is not a lot), all my beauty (erm we could debate on whether there is such a thing...) to be anywhere closer to being a more selfless person... a kinder person.. a better person. Gosh... how i admire you...

Thank you God, for giving the world such a great man and for letting him into my life (even a little). :) You are so good to me... maybe that's why i love You so. Keep him safe, please let him continue to do great things in Your name... I know he wants to.

Feeling blessed.

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