I thought about it for some time. And believe that the case FOR free will could very well be one of love. That is to say, love is the reason why God gave man free will. I know it may sound superfluous esp. since great thinkers (I do not count myself one of them) have pounded with fists and words on Theology (or better known as, the Philosophy of Religion) with greater intelligence and logic.
It just came to me today (and by these words alone, have I already made you turned off?), while my brain is busy categorizing thoughts (I know you fairly doubt that), that love could be why God gave man the messy and inconvenient thing called Free Will.
If God is like a parent, allowing Her children to ‘spread their wings and fly’ and in doing so, get hurt and lost, it could be because She loves them and want them to live (you know, the cool and hip kind of live?) and learn from their mistakes. If God is a friend, She would also not force her gfs to make Her decision right? Because if you love your friends you don’t peer pressure them.
Of course, I remember my Sunday classes and the part in the bible that told me that God warned Adam & Eve… about the fruit… so, due diligence eh?
Now, “so what?” you’d asked. Well, I thought (pacing up and down)… we all know how grand, and great, and impact-ful, Free will is. Right? (Lets, say for example, you do.)
Then, how much greater is the reason (or cause) for this grand thing? “And that!” (with a Rachel Wiesz accent in the movie The Mummy) is how great Love is.
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