Saturday, May 26, 2012

Things I want to do before 30 - updated 2012

Repost: Things I want to do before 30.

(this was a blog entry posted on July 2007. I was 22)

1. Learn to ride a horse (best if i can reach gallop stage)

- Still at trotting stage now

2. Learn to dive & Dive in overseas waters ( malaysia is fine)

- I am certified diver!
3. Tour USA

- not yet... :(

4. Tour EU again ( Venice, France, Italy, Czech R., Scotland, England, etc)

- haiz...

5. Tour Japan

- this needs to be KIVed

6. Visit Cousin in Christchurch, N.Z. (before 25?)

- yup! When I was 25!

7. Learn another language (Spanish?)

- yup. Did it in SMU

8. Add 30 good books to my collection

- Hm... I dint count

9. Be surrounded with the same great pals i have and more

- yesh!

10. Settle down???

- erm... kIV?

11. Tour Ireland --> change to England? I want to see Stonehenge

- not yet...


12. Catch the Northern Lights for real

13. Visit top dive sites

14. Climb another mountain? whats the name again?

15. Mystery

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