Saturday, July 10, 2010

Parent's love

Was feeling terrible, didnt had dinner even though mom & dad asked... i think mom knew i would end up skipping dinner.. so she bought me my favourite yogurt - Meiji Strawberry. they didnt insist on asking why im upset.. just say that it pains her (mom) to see me like tat...
now, mom just called to ask me go window shop at Marina Sands with her and asked if i want her to cook dinner for us....

My parents dont know the best method to take care of their children... they didnt attend posh & forward thinking parenting classes... there was no such things in the past... they just try their best... muddle through here and there... and hope their love shown through the mistakes they some times make.

Some times, i can be so ungrateful but i hope they realised i love them in my own dysfunctional way

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