Thursday, July 29, 2010

Why people kill themselves

Some days you wish the sun won't rise again because you can live thr another one.




Is that why people kill themselves? Bec they cannot live another day like that?




Not for me, i just hate myself.

- Posted on my trusty ifone :)

So freaking tired

Maybe it isn't such a wise idea to go on a trip during this period... Fark....

I felt asleep with the blanket still folded properly and got up with it in the same manner....

- Posted on my trusty ifone :)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Walking home.. Ringed moon

As I take a solo road home, I saw the moon encircled by a ring of light. Maybe it is the chance placement of clouds that gave me that impression but I stared at it thoughtfully throughout the way home and it was a perfect spherical shape.

What are You telling me?

- Posted on my trusty ifone :)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Good nite

crawling onto my bed, my knees and elbows are the first to feel the cool smoothness of my linen-ed mattress. Then my thighs slide against the large expense of spread sheet and my head touched the pillows and is enveloped by the soft toys guarding my bed from strangers. I turn to my side and press closer to my pillow, sighing in rest.

- Posted on my trusty ifone :)

Monday, July 12, 2010

And the world watches football* tonight (but i talk about marrying)

The youngest came to me, with a woe-be-me story of how he placed a bet wrongly at the Sg Pools counter at our downstairs coffeeshop. Made me re-consider if i should stay up for the game.... but then never crazy about it... and the last attempt was terrible for me. So, the world watches football tonight while i snuggle comfortably in my bed and have a pte date with Sandman.

Another wedding celebration took place at the void-deck of my block. I almost mistook it for a funeral yesterday... the bride & groom decided on a modern but unconventional black wedding theme. but today, all the music and singing puts the occasion in the right context.

Marriage- some see it as a prison, some see it as freedom. But technically speaking, it is just a contract, most commonly used to term the legal union of 2 people (man-woman/man-man/woman-woman, what ever floats your boat). Seriously, there are no Romanticism in it, but we do like to give it a dash of romance every time we think about it. Wedding - the social event to house this romantic-ised contract - mainly an excuse to party and boost the economy.

I am jaded, but this is not my senseless ranting. I just thought that marriages mean different things to different people... they are held in different weights too. If you find someone who holds it in the same wieght as you do, that will be fantastic! at least, you have a common understanding.

As i watch the malay wedding in full swing, i think the malays got it more right, weddings should be more celebrat-ive than just customs... we placed too much emphasis on customs (the tea ceremonies, the preparation of food/ accessories yada yada yada) which just make the bride and groom tired and even the dinner is kinda boring. yes, it is a serious thing... signing a bond always is... but if you are going to sign one voluntarily, do it with more cheer and good music, singing and fun. (disclaimer: im not saying malay weddings dont have their own customs, just that they seem to have lots of fun singing together in honor of the bride and groom too)
In my opinion, love is most impt and it doesnt have to consist of marriage. who said it should be? think about it, the first falling in love, the growing in affection, the deepening of understanding and respect, the unconditional sacrifices- those didnt start or end or have a turning point with marriage! marriage is only the rulebook/a yardstick if you would call it, of what is legal and what isnt. It doesnt keep the conversation going, it doesnt keep your heart pumping and it really doesnt fuel love! You fuel love, the actions you take, the communication, the respect, the understanding- mutually- fuel love, which in turn fuels both of you, and relationship.

I dont expect marriages to be abolished nor do i expect that people will stop getting married. marriage is afterall more than just a contract, it is also a social norm and indicator for the country, it is also critical for your future children. i am just saying.. it should not be taken to mean love. Anyone wants to recite the divorce rates around the world -in decreasing order? Romantic films, books throw Love and marriage together but in reality they really dont. love is un(not)reasonable, it is almost un-thinking, marriage is a bloody contract... you have to read the fine print!

So, get married! Go! just make sure, that you go in with your eyes and heart (of cos) open wide! Make sure, both you and your partner understand what marriage means to you both. and make effort to keep the love burning! Happy marriages to all!

*it was first introduced to me as "football" by my dad (following the Queen's english of cos)... but American-isation has made it "soccer" because simply..."football" is an another game-rugby to them.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

*Shakes head


- Posted on my trusty ifone :)

Parent's love

Was feeling terrible, didnt had dinner even though mom & dad asked... i think mom knew i would end up skipping dinner.. so she bought me my favourite yogurt - Meiji Strawberry. they didnt insist on asking why im upset.. just say that it pains her (mom) to see me like tat...
now, mom just called to ask me go window shop at Marina Sands with her and asked if i want her to cook dinner for us....

My parents dont know the best method to take care of their children... they didnt attend posh & forward thinking parenting classes... there was no such things in the past... they just try their best... muddle through here and there... and hope their love shown through the mistakes they some times make.

Some times, i can be so ungrateful but i hope they realised i love them in my own dysfunctional way

Thursday, July 8, 2010

When I say "goodbye world"

When I bid the world goodbye, I think I would be misty-eye. Sad to let go of something I thought would always be there.

I would take one last look at the sun and marvel that it will be the last time. And how every star I see in my future would be compared to it. I would always remember how the sun looked beyond my tears. How the light blurs and blend softly, and pierce and focus sharply through the teardrop.

And I would look at the clouds and sky and ask again to see the staircase to heaven- just to check if God replies. And I will look towards the horizon, enjoying the stretch of sea before I reach the edge. And I would breathe, deeply. Close my eyes and smile in a watery manner at how this world has fed me and sheltered me and paved the way to a stronger me for a harsher world.

- Posted on my trusty ifone :)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Letters to Juliet - The letter


"'What' and ‘if’ two words as nonthreatening

as words come. But put

them together side-by-side and they

have the power to haunt you for the

rest of your life: ‘What if?'..."

"I don't know how your story ended.

But I know that if what you felt

then was love - true love - then

it's never too late. If it was true

then it why wouldn't it be true

now? You need only the courage to

follow your heart..."

"I don't know what a love like that

feels like... a love to leave loved

ones for, a love to cross oceans

for... but I'd like to believe if I

ever felt it. I'd have the courage

to seize it. I hope you had the

courage to seize it, Claire. And if

you didn't, I hope one day that you


Enjoy- Taylor Swift Tim McGraw

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

So much to explain but really too tired and beaten to write

Maybe another day, you will be me, and i will have the great fortune to be someone else - like you perhaps.. and then we can see how difficult it was being eachother.

- GTG (Great Teacher Grace)

Emma + ONO = Perfection!

More changes?

Should I find another address for my blog???

- Posted on my trusty ifone :)

Sunday, July 4, 2010


"Home is where the heart is" can be said to mean that people are most comfortable/ at ease with love ones.

Travelling is my love yet the person I travel with is a crucial factor to my loving travelling. Of cos, travelling alone can be another option/story.

The thing I love the most is seeing Hong Kong's mountainous backdrop- it is so beautiful. And the big Buddha is so grand and inspiring. I also appreciate the mishmash of old/rundown and modern/high techie in the city- gives it color!

My big boss asked if I join the rest of my colleagues for supper. I said "no la... Tired la" but the real reason is that i was not invited. She asked in front of everyone but I dun know if anyone heard or even bother. The funny thing is that she went thr all the pics n I wasn't in there. Y do u think she asked?

I was sad. Who won't be? But I take comfort that not everyone treat me like that. You guys give me strength to continue.

2damned J8-ed

- Posted on my trusty ifone :)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Going HK

Coffee at the airport... Flying to HongKong in 1hr...

- Posted on my trusty ifone :)