I hear the spinning of the blades and feel a second later, the brush of cool silk on my skin. The room is immersed in the darkness of 11pm as I lay on my narrow bed. If you see me now, my teddys by the corner of my bed, the pink and white lace pj and the multiple pillows you will think I am a one girl harlem. But look closer and you will find the bible on my bed rest, the deeply loved condition of my bed belongings.
"Well loved" can be used to describe my possessions. "Well loved" can also describe me. I know today that I am loved beyond my expectations and My feeling is gigant-ium, so much of muchness that even I cannot fanthom it. It feels bubblish, a champagne kind of joy, light hearted and with a powerful kick. It feels like flying, liberating yet must be carefully controlled. It feels terrific, incredulous, so unfreaking-believable wonderful!
I think I finally understood, it is such a good feeling this- well love-ness that makes fairytales princesses so nice. I mean they are so well loved that they are contented and want to share the goodness n love to others.
Sometimes we think that no one sees us, no one hears us and no one loves us. But maybe we are just so well loved, but just that we don't know yet. I guess we have to be optimistic and to be always strive to be better people so that we will be deserving of undeserved love.
- Posted on my trusty ifone :)
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