Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A hotpot of Religion and sex

"Put 2 men in a room, and they will choose sides." I heard that somewhere, and it seems that it is not just about side choosing. A religion has been put on the spot, the pastor in spotlight's face splashed across the headlines today.
While I feel terrible that people pin-pointing on eachothers religion and not respecting others choice and faith. I have to admit that when it comes to things of such serious nature (no lesser than life and death, supreme being/s who control you life to a greater or lesser extent). Does it not warrant more thoughts, more discussion etc over it, of cos sensitively I mean. It's a delicate thing to stir at this hotpot. And so many fail, choosing rather to be silent about it. Because I think, religion and faith requires not only logic but more so relevation of a divine nature and that is a of an arguable nature eh?
And sharing the lime light, more girls 12 to 14 having sex, while i highly suspect they agreed to it I don't know just how much thought they have put into making that decision. Seriously I think it is not my biz to be a brown-noser over such private matters but man did they think???

- Posted on my trusty ifone :)

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